Leading with Love: A State of the College Conversation

February 25, 2025 | 5 - 8 p.m.

The future of our community, students, and workforce depends on the strength of the partnerships we build.



ACC Rio Grande Campus
1212 Rio Grande
Austin, TX 78701 – Map

A woman takes a picture of an ACC graduate with her children, capturing their happiness and the moment they are sharing together.

Designing our vision for the future together.

Austin Community College District invites you to a special conversation to hear about the College’s transformational journey to solve the challenges our community is facing today.

Our students have the courage, strength, and determination to make a better life for themselves and their families. But they face challenges that ACC can’t solve on our own. That’s why we need you.

Help us explore how we can collaborate to make real and lasting change.

Schedule of Events

5 p.m.
6 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Cocktail Meet & Greet Reception
Featured Speakers Program
What’s Next & Q+A

What to Expect

The work we do ensures that Central Texans have a path to success and a family-sustaining wage. ACC is closing workforce gaps by educating students for careers in industries that power the regional economy.
Here’s how we are tackling this complex challenge.

Topics Include

Leading with Love

How ACC is transforming the way we support our students

It Takes a Community

ACC and Central Texas work together to help students succeed after college

About House Bill 8

How community college funding has led to innovative results

Free Tuition Impact

Changing the direct-to-college path for thousands of students

Helping Meet Basic Needs

How an investment in essential resources pays off in student success rates

The Numbers

What the data is telling us

See you there!

This event will be held in ACC’s Center for Government & Civic Service in Building 3000 at Rio Grande Campus. 

Free parking is available in the College’s Rio Grande Campus Parking Garage located off 12th Street at Shoal Creek Blvd. 

ACC Rio Grande Campus Map